Hawbaker's Lures & Baits. They get results. All lures packaged in 1oz. glass bottles with metal lid. Guaranteed fresh! Also available Hawbakers famous Raccoon and Fox & Coyote bait.
Red Fox Gland 100 - A real thick matrix gland lure. All time best seller!
Red & Grey Fox 200 - A properly aged curiosity lure attracts both red and greys.
Food Lure 400 - Good for red or grey fox.
Wiley Red Special 500 - The fox lure of fox lures. Good in any season.
LDC 600 - Made for extra distance calling for fox and coyote. Contains skunk essence.
Red Reynard 700 - An early season lure for fox trappers.
Widow Maker 800 - Works wonders on both red and grey fox. Thousands upon thousands of bottles sold of this one!
Fox & Coyote 4 - Good all season. The will investigate.
Beaver Castor Paste - Hawbakers only offers the best castor period!
Grey Fox 100 - The same as Red Fox Gland 100 except grey fox parts are used.
Grey Fox Food - This lure is sure to attract the greys to your set.
Coyote & Wolf Gland 100 - A natural all season coyote and wolf lure.
Coyote Special 200 - Creates sexual excitement and is good all season.
Coyote Food 400 - Good in any season of the year for yotes.
Coyote 500 - This is Hawbakers best selling coyote lure.
Skunk & Opossum - Pile up the skunks an possums with this lure.
Wildcat 1 - Bobcat gland lure.
Wildcat 2 - Contains plenty of genuine catnip. Use with wildcat #1.
Beaver Lure - Blended castor, oil sacs. A killer for old chiseltooth.
Raccoon Lure - No coon will pass your set with stopping to investigate when used.
Otter Lure - Crammed full of mink musk and just the ticket for the otter as well as mink.
Big 3 - Use for Mink, Muskrat and Raccoon.
Muskrat 1 - Blended with catnip, sweetflag, carrot, rat musks and castor.
Muskrat 2 - This lure contains ingredients that really call in the rats.
Muskrat 5 - This the muskrat lure for spring trappers.
Mink 1 - A mink killer period.
Mink 2 - A change up from Mink #1
Sure Catch - A very thick call lure that won't wash away in the rain used for fox and coyote
Concentrated Clam Oil - One of the best shellfish lures on the market today. Raccoon can't resist.
Marten Lure
Fisher Lure
Weasel Lure
Bear Lure
Skunk Essence 1/2 oz. bottle